Tuesday, December 11, 2012

  It's really beginning to sink in. We're moving to Italy. In six months. 

  Six months to make a million decisions and answer a million questions. What do we do with the house? When do we sell the cars? What do we take with us? What do we leave here? What kinds of housing options are available in Italy?... just to name a few. We also need to learn more of the language and culture and so many more things I can't even begin to contemplate them all. I'm beginning to realize how little time we really have.

  I recently bought a spiral notebook and divided it into different categories so we can begin to answer some of these questions and make lists of what we need to do before we leave. Putting it down on paper helps to alleviate some of the anxiety so I don't have to keep all that information in my head. A dangerous place to keep stuff if I do say so myself. 

  What's really coming to light in all this is how much we're relying on God to pave the way for us. It is amazing to me how the doors to this opportunity are just flying open. Problems and issues that others in our position have been facing are being resolved with little or no effort on our part. Some of the other people who have applied for the available positions are being met with all kinds of red tape.  So far that has not happened to us. I really believe that God has a purpose for us to go at this time. Right now I don't know what that is but as long as God knows, I'm good.

  Just to be clear on the subject, this does not mean I am anxiety free in all this. I'm working on it but let's face it, this is a BIG deal. Moving anywhere is stressful but this is moving to a completely different environment than we've ever experienced before. The Italian culture is nothing like the American one and although we will likely encounter people who speak English the majority will not. I have no doubt we are in for some huge culture shocks, and this on top of everything else is making me a bit nervous.

  But I also know that God is with me whether I'm at home or far away. My fear is really based in the unknown, not on God's ability to keep me in His care.
I know we already have a lot of people praying for us and I greatly appreciate it. Knowing we have that kind of support means so much to me. I know God can chase the fear away but I also know I have to let Him do it. I'm working on that but I can always use the prayers of my friends.

  I'm working on a schedule so I can check things off on a daily, weekly or monthly basis as needed. This, along with everything else is going into the notebook and I believe that when I'm able to see things getting done it will help to calm some of those nervous feelings.  Also my plan is to update my blog at least once a month so you guys can see my progress as well. It helps that I can get my thoughts and feelings written down so I'm thankful for anyone who takes the time to read it.  I think one of the hard things about this is the thought of leaving my wonderful friends and family.  Even if it is only for a few years it's going to be very difficult. But knowing I have your support and your prayers warms my heart and is what will keep me going. Thank you!

Arrivederci for now!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Take lots of notes so that if I ever get some cool opportunity like this I can rely on you! ;-)
